Nov 29, 2012

Personal Pieces

Here are a few pieces done in my spare time, usually over summer vacations. The first is a piece that was done many years ago when I was teaching myself photoshop. After spending time at the Academy of Art I revisited it with new techniques for the second piece. The third, fourth, and fifth pieces were done a couple years ago over a summer vacation. The sixth piece was inspired by the fifth, and I decided to use the likeness of Xena actress Hudson Leick. The seventh piece was a redesign of my Digital Illustration character with some input from some users on The final piece was done with similar input.

Digital Illustration

During my second semester I took a digital illustration class, which gave me a chance to paint in photoshop. The first assignment was a character design and the second was to place that character in an environment.

Intermediate Anatomy

Two of our big assignments from Intermediate Anatomy were a multi figure assignment and another composition for the final. We could do anything as long as it showed anatomical knowledge.

Illustration 2 Final

Illustration 2 was primarily a Watercolor course but with only one week for the final assignment our teacher was generous enough to give us the choice of any medium so I chose digital. The assignment was to take a classic folk tale and make a book cover for it in any style.

Fantastic Figure

This class was rather fun in that we drew from life but we had the freedom to exaggerate the poses and proportions. The first assignment here was our own rendition of Red Riding Hood. The second was 3+ figures with at least 2 of them physically interacting. The final was a simple heroic figure.

Illustration 3

One of our Illustration 3 assignments was to crate a poster for a public event in San Francisco. I chose Oktoberfest.

Nov 10, 2012

Advanced Perspective Final

 Our final project was a Visual Development project. We would come up with a story, characters, environments, the works. Here are some environment sketches and character designs.

Advanced Perspective Part 6

Theme: Horror

Advanced Perspective Part 5

Theme: Mythical Creatures

Advanced Perspective Part 4

Theme: Western

Advanced Perspective Part 3

 Theme: Noah's Ark

Advanced Perspective Part 2

 Theme: Female Figure

Advanced Perspective Part 1

 Our first assignment for Advanced Perspective; Samurai theme

Photo Manipulations

Here are a couple photoshopped compositions for two separate classes. The first one was an assignment to take a portrait of someone and photoshop animal attributes onto them. I chose Cate Blanchett and a myriad of different animal parts. The second one was a final project; place a figure in a completely fictional environment.


As this is my first time blogging and I'm still in school (at the Academy of Art), I thought I'd start off with school work. Here's all my pieces from Intro to Perspective. Everything from Isometric perspective to a simple storyboard.